Adult Lecture Series

Interesting, entertaining, and informative lectures from experts on a wide range of topics. Presented virtually by the County Library’s Taylorsville branch.

Adult Lecture Series, Academia (Taylor's Version): Exploring Taylor Swift's Many Identities Presented by Dr. Emily January

Academia (Taylor’s Version): Exploring Taylor Swift’s Many Identities

Monday, September 23, 7 pm

Presented virtually


Presented virtually by the County Library’s Taylorsville branch

Dr. Emily January will discuss Taylor Swift’s many identities, from poet and feminist to business mogul and queer ally, from a critical cultural studies perspective.

 Dr. Emily January is an associate professor in the English department at Weber State University where she teaches technical writing, American literature, and cultural studies courses. Her research focuses on professional identities from a feminist perspective, examining how women document their work technologically, historically, professionally, and extra-institutionally. She has conducted research in the United States, Botswana, India, and South Africa.

Adult Lecture Series, H.H. Holmes: A Forensic Psychological Examination presented by Jarrod Brown

H.H. Holmes: A Forensic Psychological Examination

Monday, October 7, 7 pm

Presented virtually


Presented virtually by the County Library’s Taylorsville branch

Examine the potential prenatal and postnatal factors that influenced one of America’s first noted serial killers, Henry Howard Holmes, and gain a better understanding of complex criminal behaviors.

Jerrod Brown, Ph.D., M.A., M.S., M.S., M.S., is a professor, trainer, researcher, consultant, and founder and CEO of the American Institute for the Advancement of Forensic Studies (AIAFS). He provides consultation services on topics related to autism spectrum disorder (ASD), fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), confabulation, suggestibility, trauma and other life adversities, alexithymia, executive dysfunction, criminal recidivism, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and youth firesetting. Jerrod has also conducted over 200 workshops, webinars, and on-demand trainings for various organizations and professional and student audiences. Jerrod has published several articles and book chapters, and recently co-edited the book Forensic Mental Health: A Source Guide for Professionals (Brown & Weinkauf, 2018) with Erv Weinkauf.

This presentation is intended for educational purposes only and will not sensationalize any aspects of the crimes committed by H.H. Holmes.