All Resources

Learn new skills without leaving your house so you can change careers, start a side hustle, or simply stimulate your mind. Photography, business, web development, home and gardening, painting, knitting, crafting, and stress management classes with Universal Class, LinkedIn Learning, Creativebug, and more.

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1000 books before Kindergarten

Reading 1000 books before kindergarten is the best way to help your child be ready for school success! Participate in this fun program with a 0-5 profile in our online tracker or pick up a journal at your local library branch.

1000 books before kindergarten

Activity Corner offers thousands of activities with easy, clear instructions, photographs, illustrations, and more.

World book

This center offers busy adults the resources to improve their basic skills in reading, writing, and math, prepare for the GED® test, or become a U.S. citizen.

Adult Core Skills

View lessons for adult learners on TABE (Test for Adult Basic Education) practice tests, writing, reading, math, U.S. citizenship and more by clicking the Skillsurf link from Brainfuse: JobNow’s main page, and then expand the category to access these lessons.

Adult Learner Resources

Academic journals and magazine articles covering agriculture and related fields.

Gale Agriculture

Approximately 4,000 databases including U.S. Federal Census images and indexes, historical maps, American Genealogical Biographical Index, Daughters of the American Revolution Lineage, Social Security Death Index, WWI Draft Registration Cards, Federal Slave Narratives, & Civil War collection. NOTE: This database can only be used from within The County Library due to license restrictions.

Ancestry Library@trade;

AtoZdatabases is the premier Reference, Research, Marketing, Mailing Lists/Sales Leads, and Job-Search Database. The database includes 65 million business & executive profiles, over 240 million residents with interests, hobbies and lifestyles information, over 7 million real-time job listings, 2 Million new businesses, over 12 million healthcare professionals, over 12 million new movers, 2 million new homeowners, and much more. The databases are ideal for sales leads, mailing lists, market research, employment opportunities, finding friends, relatives and a whole lot of other possibilities.

AtoZdatabase logo

Develop your skills in a wide array of leading-edge technology topics and unlock new education and career opportunities.

AWS Training Center (LearningExpress Library) AWS Training Center apple app link AWS Training Center android app link

Learn the basics of computer, internet and Microsoft Office.

Basic Computer Skills

Improve your basic skills in reading by taking reading skills tutorials and practice.

Become a Better Reader

Citizenship test practice and eBooks.

Become a U.S. Citizen

Search for people—both current and historic—based on name, occupation, nationality, ethnicity, birth/death dates and places, or gender. Reference content from magazine and journal articles, primary sources, videos, audio podcasts, and images.

Gale Biographies

A reader's advisory tool that includes browsing, read-alikes, reviews, award winners, and themed booklists.

Gale Books & Authors

Live, online tutors will help you understand your homework. Brainfuse ensures that students, adult learners, and job-seekers have access to a personalized, all-in-one learning experience. They can work with live tutors, collaborate with peers, and study on their own.

Brainfuse quick start guide

Brainfuse Brainfuse: HelpNow apple app link Brainfuse: HelpNow android app link

Free career assistance & so much more to help you land the job of your dreams.

Brainfuse quick start guide

Brainfuse Brainfuse: JobNow apple app link Brainfuse: JobNow android app link

Business and trade publication articles covering the field of business, business theory, and business practice.

Gale Business

Explore our Career Help page, where you'll find essential resources for crafting your resume, navigating job searches and interviews, and enhancing your skills with online courses and computer training—all essential tools to help you qualify for and secure a new career.

Career Help

Achieve your job and career goals and get ready for future success. Learn about different career fields and prepare for various industry licensure exams. Learning Express Library provides comprehensive test preparation, skills improvement resources, and career certification and licensure exam prep, and more.

Learning Express Guide

EBSCO Learning Express Library Career Prep with Learning Express apple app link Career Prep with Learning Express android app link

Chilton Library is an online instruction resource for do-it-yourself auto repair as well as a guide for students preparing for the ASE exam.

Gale A Cengage Company

Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present.

Library of Congress

Provides easy access to over 60 million high quality, peer-reviewed, academic publications covering a broad range of subject areas such as health sciences; environment; computer science; business and economics; social sciences; science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), and many more.



Dynamic online eLearning tutorials, practice tests, e-books, and more can aid students in their studies.

EBSCO Learning Express Library

Academic journals and magazine articles covering all aspects of the communications field.

Gale Communication and Mass Media

Access over 600 journals and periodicals that provide information on computer-related product introductions and news and reviews in areas such as hardware, software, electronics, engineering, communications, and the application of technology.

Gale Computer Science

Consumer reports

Find up-to-date evaluation from Consumer Union on the latest home appliances, technology, cars, and other household and personal necessities.

Consumer Reports Quickstart Guide

Consumer Reports™

Academic journals and magazine articles with a focus on the critical issues and events that influence women's lives in more than 190 countries.

Gale Women's Issues

Canadian reference information including periodicals and full text articles.

Gale Canadian Periodical Index

Creativebug offers online video arts and crafts workshops and techniques. It’s a resource for high-quality, on-trend arts and crafts. You will have access to the full library 1,000+ art and craft classes for artists and makers of all levels. You can learn how to paint, knit, crochet, sew, screen print, and more. (!!!The Utah State Library has changed the way patrons access the resources on Utah's Online Public Library, some of which the County Library have links to on our library page. The first time you access these resources, you will be prompted to create an account through a platform called OpenAthens. If you have any difficulty, please contact your librarians for further assistance.)

Utah State Library Division

Academic journals and magazine articles covering the field of criminal justice topics.

Gale Criminal Justice

Academic journals and magazine articles covering all aspects of cooking and nutrition including searchable recipes, restaurant reviews, and industry information.

Gale Culinary Arts

This project provides public access to millions of digital items, including timelines, maps, virtual bookshelf and more freely available to the world.


Explores cultural differences, contributions, and influences in the global community. This collection includes more than 2.7 million articles from 150 journals, updated daily.

Gale Diversity Studies

Free practice tests for Utah DMV written examinations.

Driving Tests

Early World of Learning is the premier online resource for preschoolers and children in the early elementary grades.

Early World of Learning

Access to full-text academic journals and magazines with a strong emphasis on titles covered in the EconLit bibliographic index. Useful for starting a business, marketing a product, developing policy, analyzing trends, constructing economic models, investing for the future, researching rates, and more.

Gale Economics

Provides periodical and journal articles on multiple levels of education from preschool to college, and every educational specialty—such as technology, bilingual education, health education, testing, administration, and more.

Gale Educator's Information

Gale In Context: Elementary provides trusted information on topics in social studies, science, language arts, and more. Students have access to videos, magazine and news articles, images, and books in an age-appropriate, ad-free resource with tools designed to develop research skills.

Gale Elementary School

A comprehensive database that covers all aspects of starting and operating a business, including accounting, finance, human resources, management, marketing, tax, and more.

Gale Business Plan

Provides periodical content supporting business school students and entrepreneurs seeking insights, tips, strategies, and success stories including more than 500 subject-appropriate, active, full-text periodicals.

Gale Entrepreneurship

Provides news, background information, video, unique commentaries, primary source documents, and statistics covering relevant categories including energy systems, healthcare, food, climate change, population, and economic development. It also offers interactive maps and contextual multimedia, customizable journals and news, and refereed case studies.

Gale Environmental Studies

Discover your most loved strengths, explore potential career paths and see how well your career matches what you love to do most by clicking the link from Brainfuse: JobNow’s Career section.


Fiero Code is a self-guided learn-to-code software for tweens and teens. Create a free account with your library card to track your progress as you build websites, animations, and video games. Advance through a story and level up your avatar while you learn different coding languages and build programming and problem-solving skills.

Fiero Code Quickstart Guide

Fiero Code

A periodical database with over 400 journals available in full-text for serious students of drama, music, art history, and filmmaking.

Gale Fine Arts

Search all Gale databases and resources for periodical, article, reference, multimedia, and primary source information.

Gale Power Search

An online library of reference titles for multi-disciplinary research including texts related to arts, biography, business, health, history, religion, and travel.

Gale eBooks

Provides access to over 3.6 million articles from more than 100 journals for horticultural enthusiasts of all levels.

Gale Gardening

Learn About the GED® Test by Tutorials, Practice Tests, Videos, Flashcards and eBooks.

GED® en Español with Learning Express GED® en Español with Learning Express apple app link GED® en Español with Learning Express android app link

Offers access to scholarly journals and magazines covering topics including gender studies, family and marital issues, and more.

Gale Gender Studies

Grammar practice sets will teach you the skills needed to improve your grammar, and includes questions that will test your understanding of capitalization, punctuation, subject-verb agreement, word usage, and other important rules of grammar.

EBSCO Learning Express Library Grammar and Writing Skills Review apple app link Grammar and Writing Skills Review android app link

With more than 2,500 full-text periodicals, reference books, pamphlets, and hundreds of videos demonstrating medical procedures and live surgeries, this database offers up-to-date information on health care topics and questions.

Gale Health & Medicine

A consumer health tool that includes articles from health-related magazines, journals, and newspapers; encyclopedia and dictionary articles; a drug and herb finder; and the Alternative Health Module.

Gale Health & Wellness

HeinOnline is a premier online research platform that provides more than 215 million pages of multidisciplinary periodicals, essential government documents, international resources, case law, and much more.


Provides access to age-appropriate, authoritative content for assignments using research magazines, journals, newspapers, and reference books covering a wide range of subjects, from science, history, and literature to political science, sports, and environmental studies.

Gale High School

Earning a high school equivalency credential can open the door to better income, a more fulfilling job, and a college education. If you are preparing for the GED® test, HiSET® or TASC™ exams, our practice tests, interactive tutorials, and eBooks will help you reach your goal.

High School Equivalency Center

Need help with 8th-grade math, 10th-grade English, and 12th-grade chemistry? Get extra practice on concepts you're learning in school with questions aligned to Common Core State Standards, full answer explanation, and an instant score report. Learning Express Library's School Center provides skill-building resources for classroom and homework success.

EBSCO Learning Express Library High School Students with Learning Express apple app link High School Students with Learning Express android app link

Provides access to articles from more than 200 home improvement-focused titles covering topics including architectural techniques, tool and material selection, zoning requirements, and many others.

Gale Home Improvement

Offers access to current and relevant content that provides well-rounded coverage of both the historical and current state of affairs in the hospitality and tourism industries.

Gale Hospitality and Tourism

Provides access to daily updated articles that cover all aspects of managing and maintaining information and technology.

Gale Information Science

Wide range of full-text articles in Spanish- and Portuguese- language magazines and journals with an interface configured for Spanish speakers.

Gale Informe Academico

A business and industry data tool that includes company profiles, industry rankings, financial reports, Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats (SWOT) reports, market share reports, and more.

Gale Insights

Connects researchers to thousands of articles from leading journals in the world of insurance and liability law and practices.

Gale Insurance and Liability

Middle school and high school students can go beyond science textbooks with this highly visual and interactive "virtual lab" style online learning tool.

Gale Interactive Science

LearningExpress Job & Career Accelerator gives job seekers the tools they need to explore careers, find open positions, apply for jobs and get hired.

Job & Career Accelerator

Improve your job search, interviewing and networking skills.

Job Search and Workplace Skills

Provides access to authoritative periodical content covering topics such as 21st-century skills, organizational dynamics and leadership, adult learning and continuing education, and more.

Gale Leadership and Management

Get ready to learn about brand new job opportunities and find the answers to your questions.

learning express

Learning Express Library provides comprehensive test preparation, skills improvement resources, and career certification and licensure exam prep, and more.

EBSCO Learning Express Library Learning Express Library apple app link Learning Express Library android app link

LinkedIn Learning is a leading online learning company that helps anyone learn business, software, technology and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals.

LinkedIn Learning LinkedIn Learning apple app link LinkedIn Learning android app link

Get interview coaching from live experts; locate helpful tips for interview success under the Job Interviews section on the Brainfuse JobNow’s main page. Coaches are available every day from 1–11 pm MDT.

Live Interview Coach

Get expert help with searching, applying and preparing for jobs, completing unemployment benefit forms or conducting career assessments designed to help you find careers that match your personality and interests by clicking the link under the Career section on the Brainfuse: JobNow’s main page. Coaches are available every day from 1:00 PM - 11:00 PM MDT.

Brainfuse quick start guide

Live Job Coach

Get resumé assistance (1–11 pm) from a live expert on Brainfuse: JobNow's main page, upload your resumé and receive expert feedback within 24 hours after submitting or check out online resources to help you prepare your resumé.

Live Resumé Expert

Mango's unique teaching method quickly engages you in real conversations between two native speakers.

Mango Languages quick guide

Mango Mango Languages apple app link Mango Languages android app link Mango Languages amazon app link

Medigap access has been affected by hurricane outages in Florida. A temporary solution is available:

Use the sign-in link below with the following username and password.
user email:
password: weisswelcome2024

Once logged in, confirm that the upper right-hand corner is showing your welcome notice; Welcome Salt Lake County Library System!

Quick Start Medigap Guide

Medigap Report

Weiss Ratings

MedlinePlus is the National Institutes of Health's Web site. Produced by the National Library of Medicine, the world’s largest medical library, it brings you information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in language you can understand.


Combines the best of Gale's reference content with age-appropriate videos, newspapers, magazines, and primary sources specifically for middle school students. This resource provides engaging reference, periodical, and multimedia content supporting national and state curriculum standards for grades 6 to 12 in language arts, social studies, and science.

Gale Middle School

Is your little one ready for kindergarten? Miss Humblebee’s Academy is an award-winning, online curriculum for children aged 3–6 to get ready for school by strengthening core subject areas in math, science, social studies, language, literacy, art and music.

Miss Humblebee's Academy

Investment resource specialized in fund investing. Offers news, commentary, fund information, tutorial, tools and forums.

Quick Start Morningstar Guide

Morningstar Investment

MyHeritage is the leading global destination for discovering, preserving and sharing family history.


Explore amazing adventures in science, nature, culture, archaeology, and space. Best for children aged 6–14.

National Geographic for Kids

Provides access to articles from more than 2,300 major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers, along with leading titles from around the world. Thousands of images, radio and TV broadcasts and transcripts are also available.

Gale News

Novelist plus has over 200,000 fiction and readable nonfiction titles included, plus feature content including lists of award-winning books, Book Discussion Guides, BookTalks, Recommended Reads and more.

Novelist quick start guide

Novelist Plus

This database contains materials for all K-8 grade levels and includes picture books, children's ''chapter'' books and young adult titles.

Novelist Plus K-8

Provides access to full-text articles, cited in CINAHL, supporting specialized care, treatment, and patient management.

Gale Nursing & Allied Health

Covers the latest social issues from pro/con viewpoint essays, topic overviews, primary sources, court-cases, statistics, charts and graphs, images, podcasts, and more.

Gale Opposing Viewpoints

Academic journals and magazine articles covering the fields of physical therapy, physical fitness, and sports medicine.

Gale Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine

Scholarly journals and magazines that both analyze and contribute to popular culture.

Gale Pop Culture Studies

Access to the most searched magazines across the OneFile products.

Gale Popular Magazines

If you're looking to keep up, stay competitive, or get ahead, you'll need to know how to use today's most popular computer programs, including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and more. These easy-to-use courses will teach you everything you need to know and help make your goals a reality-all designed to fit your current skill level and schedule.

Popular Software Skills Center

Practice entrance exams, tests, tutorials and eBooks.

Prepare for Allied Health and Social Worker Exams

Prepare for Federal, State, and Local Civil Service Exams and Postal Worker Exam.

Prepare for Civil Service Exams

Get ready to achieve your college goals. Learning Express Library offers free preparation guides and practice tests for AP exams, ACT, SAT, and PSAT, plus guides for writing admission essays.

Learning Express Guide

EBSCO Learning Express Library Prepare for College with Learning Express apple app link Prepare for College with Learning Express android app link

CDL Endorsement exam practice, CDL general knowledge exams practice and CDL exams prep eBook.

Prepare for Commercial Driver's License (CDL) Exams

Cosmetology practice exams and eBooks.

Prepare for Cosmetology Exams

Journeyman electrician practice exams, prep eBooks, plumber's licensing exam practices, and prep eBooks.

Prepare for Electrician and Plumbing Exams

EMT practice exams, prep eBooks, prep flashcards, paramedic(NRP) practice exams, prep eBooks, firefighter practice exams, prep eBooks and articles.

Prepare for Emergency Medical Services and Firefighting Exams

Culinary arts exam practice, certification, food handler certification, ServSafe Food handler practice exams.

Prepare for Hospitality Exams

Corrections office practice exams, court office practice exams, border patrol exam, treasury enforcement exam, police officer exams, state trooper exams and prep eBooks.

Prepare for Law Enforcement Exams

ASVAB practice exams, prep eBooks, officer candidate tests skills practices, and eBooks, military flight aptitude tests, Canadian Forces aptitude test(CFAT).

Prepare for Military Exams

Nursing school entrance tests, nursing assistant/nurse aide certification, NCLEX-RN practice exams, and NCLEX-PN practice exams.

Prepare for Nursing Exams

Real estate salesperson exam, broker exams, and appraiser exams.

Prepare for Real Estate Exams

ParaPro assessment, Praxis core tests and subject assessments, NES essential academic skills and etc.

Prepare for Teaching Exams

Includes international, national and regional papers such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Washington Post, The Guardian, etc.

Proquest-Newspaper quick start guide

ProQuest™ Part of Clarivate

Researchers, psychologists, counselors, and behavioral scientists can discover periodical content supporting all fields of psychology.

Gale Psychology

"Este centro ofrece a los adultos que están muy ocupados los recursos para mejorar sus habilidades básicas, ganar sus credenciales de GED® o ser ciudadano estadounidense."

Recursos Para Hispanohablantes

Collection of periodical content covering topics across a wide range of philosophies and religions.

Gale Religion and Philosophy

Improve your English or learn another language with Rosetta Stone Library Solution.

How do I log into the Rosetta Stone mobile app with my County Library account?

Rosetta Stone Rosetta Stone apple app link Rosetta Stone android app link

The resources here can help students in elementary, middle, and high school prepare for important tests, get extra help with assignments, and boost their skills in important subjects.

School Center

Learn about biology, chemistry, physics, earth and environmental science, health and medicine, and math and technology. Go beyond research projects with over 350 experiments to choose from.

Gale Science

The latest scientific developments in particle physics, advanced mathematics, nanotechnology, geology, and hundreds of other areas. Key subjects covered include the biological sciences, computing, engineering, and technology.

Gale Science

World Book Kids shows you how to create and make science projects. Everything you need to win first prize at the science fair. World Book Kids shows you how to create and make science projects.

Science Projects

You can access this online platform from Brainfuse: JobNow's main page to locate information you need for writing resumés and cover letters, managing online portfolios and developing interviewing skills.


View job information and credentialing lessons, and a library of lessons, videos, tests and more by clicking the Skillsurf link first under Brainfuse JobNow’s Career section, and then expand the Career Prep and Job Resources category to view these online courses.


World Book's Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos is the optimal beginner's Spanish-language reference tool. The site offers World Book's excellent editorial content, rich media, and engaging features in Spanish.

World book

World Book Timelines offers hundreds of pre-generated timelines across eight broad topics, which cover various time periods in history or span the life of historical public figures.


TFS offers the largest scholarship database in the world along with a career personality test and detailed college and career information.

TFS Scholarships

A collection of TumbleBooks (animated, talking picture books) TumblePuzzles. TumbleBooks are created from existing picture books which have been licensed from children's book publishers and converted to the TumbleBook format.

Tumblebooks Help

Tumblebooks Quick Start Guide

Tumble Book Library TumbleBook Library apple app link TumbleBook Library android app link

TumbleMath is a comprehensive collection of math picture books with fun animation and narration for ages K-6. Many of the books are accompanied by supplementary materials such as quizzes for children and lesson plans for teachers.

Tumblebooks Help

Tumblebooks Quick Start Guide

Tumble Math

Learn something new today! Choose over 500 online continuing education courses from Recorded Books' Universal Class for Libraries. High quality, online courses to help you learn the skills needed to achieve your goals. Our courses are not just tutorials; they are real. They include lessons, exams, assignments, discussion boards and actual assessments of your progress to help you master the learning outcomes.

Universal Class

Scholarly journals and magazines are updated daily to offer balanced coverage of events in US history.

Gale US History

This is a collection of Utah Centennial County History series from Utah State History publications.

Utah's County Profiles

Utah State Library Division

The collection holds over 1,000,000 pages of historic Utah newspapers. Its newspapers can be browsed by issue or searched by keywords, article titles, weddings, deaths, and births.

Utah NewsSearch is a digital newspaper service of the Utah Press Association. It provides public access to Utah's newspapers. Each newspaper is a fully-searchable PDF that you can print or download. Search all of Utah's newspapers by keyword or filter by newspaper, city, county, or zip code.

Utah's Online Library

Search manuscripts, photographs, books, maps, and online resources about Utah and the West. Find historic state and local government records in Utah.

Provides access to journals and magazines that aid users in researching careers, finding an appropriate institution of learning, job searching, and maintaining a career. The database offers hundreds of current and applicable periodicals, from general career guides to highly-specialized industry journals.

Gale Vocations and Careers

Offers articles on conflicts and their causes, impact, and perception on a global scale using more than 200 subject-appropriate, full-text periodicals that are updated daily.

Gale War and Terrorism

World Book Advanced includes full encyclopedic and multimedia databases supplemented with online books, primary sources, website links, back in time articles, special reports and more.

World Book Advanced

Explore the world of animals, maps, important people, and games in this online Children’s Encyclopedia—the website specially designed just for young students. Complete with citation information for school projects and reports.

World Book Kids

World Book Online offers a diverse suite of products for every age, ability, and interest to suit the needs of all patrons.

World Book Online

Provides access to scholarly journals and magazines offering balanced coverage of events in world history.

Gale World History