Tutorial: Interlibrary Loan Search
Learn how to use our interlibrary loan search tool so you can request items we don't have from other library systems.
If we don’t have what you’re looking for, we’ll request to borrow it from another system through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
Any County Library cardholder (with the exception of Student and Temporary cards) is eligible to request up to 3 ILLs at a time, as long as your account is in good standing with less than $10 in fines and has fewer than 15 ILLs currently checked out. While we make every attempt to locate your item(s), our ability to fill requests is dependent on availability of items to borrow through other libraries.
Requesting an ILL works best through the Library Catalog Advanced Search. Once you place your hold request, we’ll search for the item and notify you when it is ready to be picked up at the branch you specify (generally within 1–8 weeks). When you come to collect your ILL, please see a staff member for check out and they’ll let you know the due date, which is set by the lending library and may be different than County Library standard lending times. Patrons are responsible for any fines or fees charged by the lending library, which may include processing costs as well as the replacement cost of damaged or lost items.
Please review the Interlibrary Loan Policy before placing your request. For questions or assistance, contact the library by calling 801.943.4636.
Learn how to use our interlibrary loan search tool so you can request items we don't have from other library systems.
To request a copy of a magazine article not owned by The County Library or to borrow microforms from another library system please fill out and submit the following form.
NOTE: The County Library does not own microfilm readers. Customers will be responsible for locating a way to use the borrowed microform. Suggested locations that may have microfilm readers are university or genealogy libraries.